Loving you

Loving you
okay so i do love you but do you truly love me?

Monday, December 14, 2009

My decision

Okay I have made a decision and hope that all my readers are okay with it! I have decided that I will walk up to him in a class that i have with him and talk to him I hope that he will not think that it is awkward! anyway thank you shake for leaving that comment and yah I know you know him. I know that almost every one knows him but i still aint sayin his name. And if any of chu fans do i will never leave a blog post again! :(

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I asked you if

I asked you if
What if life was this way and this is how everyguy was? what if I am not one of these girls that a guy would say this too?

If you love me

If you love me
If only someone that I loved love me the same way... if only someone that I knew would know how I feel if only... if only I was not alive....

if i die

if i die
just read the photo